Monday, April 6, 2020

Why is Company Culture Important? -

A decade or so back when most companies realized that they had hit the plateau in their market growth, many wanted to explore the markets or countries where they had set up their operations.
These emerging economies had expendable income and were turning to out to be mass consumer markets.
To increase the market share, a company can do 3 things:
1.       Introduce existing products or new products in new markets,
2.       Introduce new features to its existing features and
3.       Introduce new products.                                                      

The first is a marketing strategy. The second idriven by some extent because of changing customer needs and some part by incremental innovation. The third is driven completely by Innovation.

Realising this all companies started with the Mantra of ‘Innovation’ by pasting posters and running year long campaigns, without actually seeing any results.

At the company level, the CXOs and Sr. Management have to realise that Innovation is a process and starts with Ideation. But Ideas need time, research, resources and motivation. I.e.
-   Give time to employees to ideate within their working hours and workspace.

-   Give resources to employees to research, experiment and validate at each step their ideas, prototype and product.

-   Give the platform to employees to collaborate and ideate, cross-pollinate and work together

-   Reward them for their sincere efforts even if they fail. Make Innovation and its efforts part of the Performance Management cycle.
With these measures in place employees will have the necessary confidence to work towards innovative new products or new features.
Making this a structured approach across the organisation and with a direct reporting to the CEO, part of the MIS, will help the company achieve the desired results.

This is what is called setting the ‘CULTURAL CONTEXT’. Remember your people without the right engagement and culture can jeopardise your best of strategic intent, even though unintentionally.
For further details on how we do it and a DEMO please visit

                                         Organisation Culture

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